Please email the Medical Reflexology Complementary Health Center for
your own personal appointment with a Medical Reflexologist. Call now to
schedule an appointment for improved health through Medical Reflexology.
Call Ph: 267-424-4549 or Fax: 610-438-0196
- SCHEDULE - July Licensed Program is all filled and closed for enrollment - (50 instructional hours with Licensed Instructor) call right now to Admissions for the student friendly enrollment - Ph: 267-424-4549
- SCHEDULE - (July Program is filled) - September 26th - October 1st, 2013 (Excluding Sunday September 29th, 2013) (50 instructional hours with Licensed Instructor) call right now to Admissions for the student friendly enrollment - Ph: 267-424-4549
- SCHEDULE - January 6th - 10th, 2014 (50 instructional hours with Licensed Instructor) call right now to Admissions for the student friendly enrollment - Ph: 267-424-4549
- SCHEDULE - April 10th - 15th, 2014 (Excluding Sunday April 13th, 2014) (50 instructional hours with Licensed Instructor) call right now to Admissions for the student friendly enrollment - Ph: 267-424-4549
- SCHEDULE - July 7th - 11th, 2014 (50 instructional hours with Licensed Instructor) call right now to Admissions for the student friendly enrollment - Ph: 267-424-4549
- SCHEDULE - January 12th - 16th, 2015 (50 instructional hours with Licensed Instructor) call right now to Admissions for the student friendly enrollment - Ph: 267-424-4549
You have the option to enroll via a Professional Proctor in your area, the clinic hours can be completed during regular clinic hours (IAMR's continuing education, preparation homework, research and patient screening, field trips), please call for a full explanation for this important student friendly offer.
The policy of our Career Academy, you need only ten (10) completed personal case studies required for graduation, this is an added advantage to students that are enrolled in our fine academy.
Please remember, we are very student mindful and friendly, and we genuinely thank you for taking the Post-Secondary status of this licensed school seriously, remember, we are not a mere course or workshop, this school has a licensed program, and that is what makes all the difference as to which school you apply to via your strict research of Medical Reflexology schools!
Search Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania
DAYS INN - Address: 3400 Airport Road, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18109 - Ph: 610-266-1000 (call the IAMR - 267-424-4549) to Receive Corporate Lodging Consultants (CLC) phone number for hugh lodging discount via Professor Lorraina Telepo)
(five minutes from the McCann School)(The DAY INN is directly across from the Lehigh Valley Airport - DAYS INN also provides shuttle service to and from the airport, plus, to and from McCann College - inquire with the DAYS INN)
The International Academy of Medical Reflexology is very pleased to announce we are included with the Educational Directories, Inc - http://www.ediusa.com , please find our fine academy at this website within the advanced search bar under HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS and/or EDUCATION
The International Academy of Medical Reflexology's Patented Definition for Medical Reflexology is (c) LEARN REFLEXOLOGY: MEDICAL REFLEXOLOGY IS a complementary, biological, integrative, blended health science, THROUGH WHICH an exercise pressure is applied to reflex areas, FORMED BY 7,200 nerve endings in each hand and foot, ENCOURAGING IMPROVED INSTRUCTION to each and every specific organ, gland, and part of the body, THUS PERSUADING the body to biologically correct, strengthen, and reinforce itself, to reach balance, normalization, and homeostasis.
Public awareness announcement: Individuals and organizations are assisted in identifying properly recognized licensed and accrediting agencies and properly authorized postsecondary institutions. The US DOE reviews the operation of accrediting agencies. The official list of recognized accrediting agencies is available at the website at: http://www,ed.gov/admins/finaid/accred/accreditation_pg5.htm Recognized. There is a difference between "Authorized Degree Granting Institutions" and unapproved and unauthorized organizations that in essence "sell" degrees, providing little or no quality education, are often referred to as "degree mills". I encourage you to read Degree Mills, the Billion -Dollar Industry That Has Sold Over a Million Fake Diplomas by Allen Ezell and John Bear. However, we cannot attest to the accuracy of this books information. The information in this memorandum from the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools should augment your own independent investigation, or, if necessary, advice of legal counsel, when assessing credentials of existing and future faculty, administrators and other employees. To quote the letter received, "We need to address this problem diligently to maintain quality and rigor in our schools, and to ensure trust and confidence in our education programs as preparation for the future citizens and employees of the Commonwealth. Another website to investigate is http://www.osac.state.or.us.oda to investigate "mill degrees".
MEDICAL REFLEXOLOGY - The International Academy of Medical Reflexology - is an "Approved" Program Profile - Medical Reflexology - licensed by the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools and reporting under the Career Code CIP (Classification Instructional Program) 51.9999 - Health Profession and Related Clinical Sciences, Other - see student Handbook for details and Official Codes and MEDICAL SERVICES REFLEXOLOGY.
HARRISBURG, PA 17126-0333
January 15, 2009
Ms. Lorraina Telepo
International Academy of Medical Reflexology
304 Ninth Street
West Easton, Pennsylvania 18042
Dear Ms. Telepo:
This letter is to inform you that I have received your January 14, 2008 letter requesting that the primary name of your school be changed to International Academy of Medical Reflexology, effective immediately. This change will be made in the Private Licensed Schools database. You will also receive a new school license with this name in the near future. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Sincerely,John Galganovicz
John P. Galganovicz, Board Administrator
Division of Private Licensed School
The new Official Licensed Program Approved name is Medical Reflexology per the permission of the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools
Once you have paid your tuition and have graduated from a school, can you place trust in the piece of paper you have been awarded to be recognized where you want to practice - The International Academy of Medical Reflexology has an approved "DIPLOMA" validating our approved clock hours are applicable nationwide!
MEDICAL SERVICES REFLEXOLOGY - Click here for Official Government Codes.

The licensed Program gives you the privilege, the Official Codes give you your permissions and restrictions, same as a driver's license gives you your privilege to drive, and the Official Codes on the back of your driver's license gives you your permissions and restrictions, be grateful to affiliate with our fine academy with all of the Official Govenrment Codes. Professor Telepo has strived to reach this level of Gold Standard competency for the "Gold Standards" for our Academy and Occupation, profession and mutual career's. Medical Reflexologists, no one should settle for less than the most official and career oriented you can attain. In addition, remember, our fine academy is a member in good standing of PAPSA, Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrator's.
Medical Reflexology offers you this outstanding overall health enhancement program, working toward re-educating, re-patterning, and re-conditioning the nerves through the neural/electrical system of the body. The essential job description of the nerves is to instruct the body; when the nerves improve, the instruction must improve, as a result, the body must improve.
The Medical Reflexologists goal is to aid patients to improved health, promote overall health enhancement, respect preventative lifestyle health care, as well as practice for restorative therapy. Apply now to become a skilled, qualified Medical Reflexologist graduating under medical services. The IAAR academy is a licensed Program, resulting as a Post-Secondary status.
Therefore, please DO NOT confuse our program taught as a "MERE" Workshop, with the end results all you have earned is a "Certificate of Attendance", not a true "Certification", check all certification claims with your own state's Department of Education.
A Research question for you, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR REASONS FOR WANTING TO ENROLL IN THIS MEDICAL REFLEXOLOGY ACADEMY, LICENSED, POST-SECONDARY PROGRAM? Respectfully your answer will be the "Recognized" Official Diploma with the Official Government Codes (see Student Handbook for Codes) upon graduation, you only receive in this world what you pay for and the contract enrollment agreement that you sign, we are not a nametag only school?
It is strongly advised upon researching all schools that you ask if the school is a Post-Secondary School with a licensed Medical Reflexology Program, request written PROGRAM PROFILE verification, or does the school just teach as a Workshop (granting you a certificate of Attendance at the workshop) only status.

There is a great official difference amongst an independent, non-approved, self-standing workshop (attendance certificate only), course, or seminar, in retrospect, to your selecting a government licensed, Approved Career Program, learn reflexology and learn the difference, call with questions, do your homework well. In addition, only hours with the instructor can be ligitimate tuition charged clock hours, homework hours (NO INSTRUCTOR IN ATTENDANCE) are not considered clock hours with the Department of Education. A true certification is when you graduate from an Accredited School and pass an approved certification test, but, first the school must be a licensed Post-Secondary School.
Please consider strongly attending our academy that sets its career goals for you as "Gold Standard", in retrospect, not a mere workshop standard. MEDICAL SERVICES REFLEXOLOGY - Click here for Official Government Codes.

Or call Ph: 267-424-4549 and Fax: 610-438-0196.
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