International Academy of Medical Reflexology Student Handbook
Reflexology Medical - 267-424-4549 - International Academy of Medical Reflexology
"This academy enforces a serious disciplined approach projecting a high caliber of abilities, skills, and ethics that the public deserves."


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The statement below is from the outstanding term paper of Student, with permission to publish, thank-you for sharing & inspiring other's, Julia:

Julia Pomeroy, RN. Clincal experience in rehabilitation nursing and skilled nursing. Administrative experience in long term care MDS coordination:

This is quite a definition for Medical Reflexology. It is concise, precise and expressive enough to give the reader a visual tool. Within this definition one can find science, research, treatment instruction, and outcome. Thousands of years of documented history have gone into this definition. Historically, scientific methodology has been heralded as the only way to be sure of research. Within this definition, there is the understanding that the scientific modality of research has been applied; those parts being observation, hypothesis, prediction, test and result.

I was very fortunate to study Reflexology with Professor LorrainaTelepo, MRP. Her passionate dedication to the field is contagious. I found myself wanting to be her shadow as even little asides she shared were invaluable. I have been a Social Worker and a Teacher yet never felt that I fit completely. It was frustrating not to often be able to really gauge that what I was doing was making a difference. Reflexology is so focused and powerful that I could really see "miracles" occurring for clients. Professor Telepo has changed aspects of my view of life and I will never be the same. Thank you Professor.

Kathleen Kingsley, MS MRP

When I decided to take Medical Reflexology, I actually thought that it would be "just another thing" that I could add to my list. However, after taking the class and meeting Professor Telepo, the experience has been life changing. I am so inspired and excited about pursuing a career in Medical Reflexology. I own my own company and make good money, but I still felt like something was missing. After taking the Program, I've realized that helping people is something that is very important to me and its more rewarding than anything else. Thank you Professor Telepo for being such an amazing instructor and for allowing me to find something that makes me happy. I've learned from the best :)

Jessica Clark Scranton, Pennsylvania ROCKSTAR PUPPY


If you are serious about learning Medical Reflexology, IAMR is for you! Professor Lorraina J. Telepo, MRP is an amazing wealth of information and she shares it all with everyone she teaches! She truly cares about her patients and each of her students. She is always just a phone call away (or email). Class room lecture prepares you for what you need to know about how the body works, but the very best learning comes during clinic hours when you learn from actual patients feet! Thank You Professor Telepo for sharing your gift, which is now my gift to give to my patients! Lori Rothharpt Birdsboro, PA

Like all journeys in life, you may not always stay on the well-trodden path. You may take some twists and turns and stumble upon an intriguing side road that just begs to be taken. It could be for the adventure or unknown possibilities. It could challenge your mind, change your thinking, and expand that internal view of your own limitations. I stepped off the main road and walked down a narrow lane to the International Academy of Medical Reflexology. Under the direction and guidance of Professor Lorraina J. Telepo, a whole new understanding of the human body took shape – its wondrous ability to heal, correct and strengthen itself. A true medical reflexologist, Professor Telepo stimulates, encourages and reinforces her students throughout the entire learning process. From lecture to clinical, she is hands on. “Take care of your future patients, take care of yourselves.” Why not place your foot onto that side road and take the first step. You may never look back.

Charles W. Brynan III Perkasie, Pennsylvania

Professor Telepo, of the International Academy of Medical Reflexology, is the most caring professional I have ever met. She is not only an expert in her field,but sincerely wants everyone to succeed and/or get well. She is a wealth of information and is more than willing to share it with you. The knowledge one will receive under her guidance is invaluable. The clinical hours with hands on treatment were so beneficial. I only wish I could find the time to spend more hours with her and her patients. Anyone interested in medical reflexology needs to contact this school immediately!

Stephanie M. Shelly, CHC, MRP Certified Health Coach and Medical Reflexology Practitioner b.healthy Bethlehem, PA

I have given Professor Lorraina J. Telepo, MRP, President and Dean of the International Academy of Medical Reflexology permission to pass onto the Endorsement Page of her website my teaching and classroom evaluations for the Program that I attended, I am the first Graduate of the IAMR for the McCann School of Business and Technology, It is with great pleasure that I pass on to the public my evaluations, I graduated January 14, 2012, I am most proud to be a graduate of this fine Medical Reflexology Academy and to have been taught by Professor Lorraina J. Telepo, MRP, without any doubt, when you want to learn this great profession, do as I did, choose the IAMR, you will never regret your decision:

Teaching evaluation: Professor Telepo continually communicated to teach the students so they could see and hear multimedia events. She uses every situation possible as a teaching moment

Classroom Evaluation: There was nothing taught in the class we were not required to perform in the clinic and on the final exams, Professor Telepo knew what we needed to learn

Being at McCann was great

What did you consider to be the most valuable feature of the learning process with the IAMR? Answer: Professor Telepo, of course! Her experience and expertise were invaluable. However, her ability to use every moment was great

Did the overall outline of the Program address your expectations? Answer: Absolutely, Professor Telepo should write a book and put all of her valuable experience in a form we all can have. (Jeff, the Book is in the works)

Jeffrey Allen McCleary , Lancaster, Pennsylvania -

(Jeff, you already have it in your hands, how do I know, your terrific grades, and the evaluations are really your writing your own transcript, congratulations, you are now amongst the best of the best of Medical Reflexologists, a good teacher teaches, a great teacher inspires! Now, you go teach all your patients, you are above excellent, Lancaster and Harrisburg are very fortunate to have you in their own back yard!)

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Growing up, I had always been intrigued by reflexology. It wasn t until the last few years when I actually had reflexology performed on me that I became more aware of its healing properties and I wanted to know more about it. I found a book while I was in Japan and spent most of my flight back reading all about this alternative healing practice. When I returned home, I began searching the internet for schools and was fortunate to find the International Academy of Medical Reflexology. Not only is IAMR nearby but it is the only reflexology school licensed by the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools. Our teacher, Professor Lorraina Telepo, has an excellent way of presenting the material so you can remember it. Her knowledge and experience is incredible. She has helped so many people and you can tell that she genuinely cares for her patients and her students. I would highly recommend IAMR to anyone interested in learning this alternative healing practice. The fee charged for the reflexology course is minimal when you figure you can walk out with a diploma and enough knowledge and skills to open your own practice. Thank you, Lorraina, for teaching me about a whole new opportunity.

Derna Barski, Bethlehem, PA
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Thank you Professor Telepo for your outstanding contribution on educational and professional level that your course afforded in the field of Medical Reflexology. Thank you also for your relentless and untiring pursuit to bring the Profession of Medical Reflexology to such a high level as to be Recognized by the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools. After receiving my diploma I was fortunate to be able to further my Continuing Education and practical knowledge in the field by being able to work along side Professor Telepo at her school thus providing my clients with the best in the field.

Respectfully, Anthony J.Onichimowski, MRP - Lehighton, Pennsylvania (the Pocono's)

My name is Renata Jodlowski, born in Poland, and, I attended The International Academy of Medical Reflexology in 2009. It was quite an experience and I enjoyed every minute of it. I found the lectures very informative and I learned a lot about Medical Reflexology. After completing this school I was ready to help patients. Thanks to my great teacher Professor Lorraina J Telepo, MRP.

Renata Jodlowski - Philadelphia

I discovered Reflexology when I found 2 books at a used book store while on vacation. As I read about Reflexology and all the amazing personal testamonials from regular people, I thought to myself, "How come I didn't discover this years ago? Why isn't this common knowledge?" Then online I found a licensed school, International Academy of Medical Reflexology, and so I decided I wanted to persue this fascinating fiield and so I enrolled. The school is taught by Professor Lorraina Telepo. She is truly a leader in her field. Her teaching style is very thorough and is easy to understand and retain. I enjoyed the class and the case studies assignment. Seeing the dramatic improvements in people has been an inspiration to me. Reflexology gives me a sense of purpose and also fulfills my desire to help others. I would highly recommend this school to anyone interested in this wonderful field of Reflexology.

Marisa Brandhorst State of Washington

Subject: My comments on the school for your web site: Having taken one workshop in reflexology which left me thinking "There has to be more to reflexology than this", I found the caliber of instruction and the medical aspect of reflexology I was looking for at the International Academy of Medical Reflexology. Coming from a 30 year career in nursing, I appreciated Professor Telepo's extensive experience as a reflexologist, and her ability to ignite the same kind of passion and commitment I had experienced as a young nurse. Professor Telepo's knowledge of anatomy and physiology was of particular importance to me, and was instrumental in helping to make the connection between the reflex areas in the foot and the body as a whole. Professor Telepo who brought reflexology to the next level when she opened her school of Medical Reflexology. Not content to have reflexology viewed as simply an avocation or hobby, Professor Telepo sought and obtained licensure as a post-secondary school in reflexology, becoming the only such school in the nation thus far. She pursued the federal government as well, and through her diligence and perseverance was granted a code for reflexology under Medical Services. This takes reflexology out of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and puts it where it should be, as a bona fide medical service. Under the tutelage of Professor Telepo, you will not spend hours upon hours learning hand placement. Instead, you will spend those hours learning to interpret what your hands are feeling, and why improving the nerve, blood, and lymphatic supply to the body through medical reflexology can only improve the body overall. If you are looking for a vocation, this licensed, post-secondary school will meet and exceed your needs.

Merrill Crist, LPN, Baltimore, Maryland
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My name is Joe Vrable Jr. I am writing this for anybody considering the International Academy of Advanced Reflexology. You can check on other schools and workshops on reflexology, but, this is the only school I've found that is licensed by any state Department of Education to merit the claim of a Post-secondary school in Pennsylvania. Most importantly is the right to the Official codes, especially the O'net and SIC code's from the United States Department of Labor and Industry. The diploma that graduates receive is for Medical Reflexology. The Program is easy to understand, and the chart and video that Professor Telepo developed for her class are detailed and exact. Professor Telepo has 34 years experience and has proved to me that she knows what reflexology is and can back it up. The clinical hours at the school were invaluable in learning about reflexology. I would recommend this school to anybody who has a professional interest in medical reflexology, because that is what I found at this school and with Professor Telepo.

Joe Vrable Jr

As a Graduate of the International Academy of Medical Reflexology it became clear to me that Professor Telepo has re-classified Medical Reflexology from an "alternative modality" to an integrative health science. Through Professor Telepo's licensed Post-secondary academy and curriculum, I gained tremendous experience in the clinical aspects of hands-on technique and patient assessment. The benefits of Professor Telepo's over thirty years experience and official government codes should be the decisive factor when choosing a Medical Reflexology education and career.

Robyn Snell-Charter- Marlboro, New York

In this students opinion, all students who attend this Academy receive an unsurpassed amount of information regarding the Medical Reflexology field as well as hands-on clinical experience comparable to no other. We, as students, are fortunate that Professor Lorraina Telepo has expanded traditional reflexology into the field of Medical Reflexology and is gracious enough to share her wisdom with us. The diploma you receive upon graduation along with the official government codes provide you with the confidence you need to approach prospective clients and the medical community.

Denise Haney, Bethlehem, PA

Regitze von Holck Forner, Dallas, Texas. (3/07) I am a graduate of Professor Lorraina J.Telepo, MRP's International Academy of Advanced Medical Reflexology. In my search for instruction in Reflexology, I was looking for a licensed program, a school with ONLY Reflexology teaching, a reasonable price and a concentrated time period. The IAAMR was the only academy which offered all these, for me, requirements. Attending the Academy I had the fortune to be instructed by Professor Lorraina Telepo, who with her 33 years experience is an excellent teacher and has the ability to impart her knowledge with true dedication to her students. It has been my pleasure to have attended and gained my diploma with an official code approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools.

From: Julia Pomeroy, RN. Clincal experience in rehabilitation nursing and skilled nursing. Administrative experience in long term care MDS coordination

As for something to prospective students I would say the following:

Before any person makes a decision to attend a place of education, they must ask themselves one question: "How do you define yourself?" If you are looking to really learn, and apply yourself to learning and if you see yourself providing a quality, beneficial service to others then you aim high to find the right school. The IAAR will provide you with the education and tools you require to meet your highest definition of yourself as a Medical Reflexologist. I chose IAAR because of Professor Telepo's high standards and committment to teaching. As a registered nurse in two states, I would not entertain a program which is not licensed. This is the ONLY licensed Reflexology Program school, complete with Official Government Codes and your career will benefit because of this standard.

Julia Pomeroy, RN, PA and VA

After attending a weekend workshop, I felt the need to search for something that would provide me with a better education about reflexology, rather than just a workshop. My search led me to the International Academy of Advanced Reflexology. I travel a great distance to attend this school. Professor Telepo is truly an inspiration to anyone interested in this field. She is completely passionate and knowledgable about Reflexology. She has put a great deal of time and effort into making her school credible, by being the only school that is a Reflexology Licensed Post Secondary School. I am very pleased with the way the course is designed. The clinic hours provide the students with a wonderful opportunity, to really get a "hands on" approach. I highly recommend this School and you can feel free to contact me.

Cathy Horton San Jose, CA.
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After studying reflexology for over a year, through videos and practice on family and friends, I felt ready to advance to the next level by taking a formal training course. While there are no present laws regulating the practice of reflexology in my state of Pennsylvania, I decided it would be in my best interest ---and that of my future clients --- to achieve a level of skill and competency worthy of public trust and confidence, as I develop my career in the field. I must admit the task of evaluating all of the available programs was daunting. After careful research and consideration, I decided that IAAR offers the program that best fulfills this goal. I am impressed with the course description and the cost is reasonable in comparison. The fact that it is a post-secondary school licensed by the Pennsylvania Board of Licensed Private Schools, was a deciding factor for me. I am hopeful to graduate in June. The time spent with fellow reflexology students, exchanging ideas, as well as the extensive clinical practice time under the supervision of an experienced instructor who shares my Faith, has been very valuable for me.

Kathi in Mansfield, Pa.

Back in India when I got interested in alternate therapies and started learning ACUPRESSURE, SUZOK ACUPRESSURE, SHIATSU AND REIKI my friends and colleagues thought that I am out of my mind. Yes, they thought so. I am a medical doctor an MD from India. And they thought that I am really out of my mind to get into this and leave my practice of modern medicines. Well a few things happened which forced me to look into the alternate therapies, and the more I got into this, the more I was amazed to see the healing power of it. HEALING and not TREATING. PERSUASIVE and not INVASIVE THERAPIES. I moved to USA in 2003 and wanted to learn REFLEXOLOGY as I had read and heard a lot about this persuasive therapy too. I started to look for a good school. Browsing through the web I found a few and started to write and talk to them. I got to speak to Professor Lorraina J. Telepo, MRP, and immediately decided to join her school, the International Academy of Medical Reflexology. It was just a hunch. I was and am so lucky that I had done so. I am lucky, that not only Proff Telepo is experienced, but is a great Teacher as well. She inspires you to learn and her method of teaching is very relaxed yet very precise. This makes learning very easy. I learnt a lot from her. The Academy has all relevant Official Codes relative to Medical Reflexology from the United States Department of Labor & Industry, and the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools.

RAKESH V. THAPLIYAL, Atlanta, Georgia M.B.B.S., M.D.( INDIA)

My name is Karen Shuman-Parry,Bangor, Pa. I am a graduate of the IAAR. I have been practicing Reflexology for the past 5 years. I would only recommend this Acadamy because, #1 it is a licensed school, #2 Based on my clients that I have worked on , I know for a fact that the chart patened by Lorraina Telepo is correct and #3 I feel Professor Lorraina Telepo is the best instructor when it comes to reflexology. She has over 30 years of experience and that's what counts. Yes, I can show you how to do reflexology, but without a proper teacher and the credibility of a licensed school means everything. I am very thankful for the true dedication of Professor Lorraina Telepo toward reflexology. She is just a phone call or email away. She is always there to help you with any of your case studies. In my opinion, Lorraina Telepo is the best when it comes to Reflexology.

Karen Shuman-Parry,Bangor, Pa

When I looked for a school that offered a reflexology program, I was very discouraged to find that most were weekend seminars (which did not offer a diploma by an program institution). I was thrilled to find IAAR in my home state of Pennsylvania! Not only is IAAR a program institution, but you learn from the best ---Professor Telepo, who has more than thirty years of experience. For me, the most important part of the program was the hands-on clinical hours; a lot of programs teach you only the reflex areas, but to gain experience by working on individuals with a variety of medical conditions was invaluable!

Cheryl Calautti, Moscow, PA

When I did research on Reflexology Schools the only one that stood out for me was International Academy of Reflexology for one reason only, You achieve the highest honor of getting a diploma with official government codes, no other school offers this. The others offer a certificate of attendance, my dog could get a certificate of attendance. In my opinion, Professor Telepo's academy is far superior in knowledge of reflexology and its understanding. This is the best thing I ever invested in.

Kathy Rimby (Graduated in June 2005) (Pa. & Mass.)
International Academy of Medical Reflexology

MEDICAL SERVICES REFLEXOLOGY - Click here for Official Government Codes.

MEDICAL SERVICES REFLEXOLOGY - Click here for additional information.
Author, Professor Lorraina J. Telepo, MRP - Golden Hands of Reflexology.

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Or call Ph: 267-424-4549 and Fax: 610-438-0196.
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